I've been keeping this little secret since January 1st. I probably saw the idea on Pinterest (because all ideas involving literally anything live there) last fall and kept it in the back of my mind to start once the first day of 2013 rolled around.
It's an incredibly simple exercise. At the end of each day, you write the date at the top of a piece of paper and one good thing that happened that day. It can be as small as "I got Chipotle for lunch" to something as big as "my sister got married!". It can even be as sorry as "I didn't get any bills in the mail today". Just something - anything - that didn't suck. Some days you'll really have to rack your brain and others you may have multiple one good things. I cut index cards in half, use a fun color pen and stick all the notes in a big mason jar that sits on my vanity.
Forcing yourself to end your day by physically writing down something good, even when you feel like you had the worst day in the world, serves a number of different purposes. It helps lift you up in the short-term (duh), it's an easy way to record memories for those of us who don't have the wherewithal to journal every night, and the thing I'm most excited about? Re-reading all of these little missives at the beginning of 2014. Sure, I'll still remember some of the struggles and the stresses of the past year, but they'll be muted - and almost silenced - by all those positive things I wrote down. Things ain't so bad!
This isn't something that has to be started at the beginning of a year. By all means, start now! Keep going after 365 days.
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